[Anything] Korea, Shinsuke Kishi, Masatoshi Muto and other Japanese war criminals and hateful dignitaries, bill proposals that can be canceled wwwwwwwww

[Anything] Korea, Shinsuke Kishi, Masatoshi Muto and other Japanese war criminals and hateful dignitaries, bill proposals that can be canceled wwwwwwwww ▲ Both members of the Democratic Party Lee Sukhyun Legislative measures are underway to enable the cancellation of medals or emblems awarded to Japanese war criminals and refugees. Both members of the Democratic Party, Lee Suk-hyun (Anyang City), announced the representative of the “Amendment Order for Medal Law” on the 6th, which stipulates that the medals granted can be canceled if the sovereignty or dignity of Japan is damaged. When some foreign ambassadors to South Korea leave the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, two to six foreign ambassadors to the Republic of Korea have proposed public affairs called “Friendship Promotion Foreigners” every year. Has received a medal. However, Masatoshi Muto, the former Japanese ambassador to South Korea, who has recently issued a series of hateful books and raised the conflict between Korea and Japan, in 2013, advised the Japanese war criminal company Mitsubishi, "It was recently revealed that the government received a foreign medal for the reason of leaving the ambassador during an attempt to intervene in the sentence. In 1970, the class A war criminal Shinsuke Kishi received attention from the Japanese government (reporter note: the president at that time was Masatake Park) and received the 1st Grade Medal of Meditation for Medalation, which was canceled. There was a public opinion that we had to. However, under the current law, the medal for these cannot be canceled. The current law can be revoked only if the achievement of the medal is revealed to be false, or if a person who commits a crime related to national security escapes to a hostile area. If the proposed ceremonial law passes through the Diet, the legal basis for canceling the medal awarded to Japanese war criminals and refugee refugees will be created. Lee said, “If the Japanese war criminals and refugee refugees receive a medal from the government, they themselves will damage the dignity of the country. It can't be canceled without it, so it will be possible as soon as the revised bill passes. " * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://www.kyeonggi.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=2160517 document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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