[Image] Roughly Vegeta, strangely familiar with plants

[Image] Roughly Vegeta, strangely familiar with plants 1 : 2019/09/06 (Friday) 14: 22: 13.383 ID: f7yPwdo / 0.net When I laughed at Goku who is familiar with plants and Vegeta who is familiar with ferns that pick up the spills, Piccolo appears to make up for their weaknesses, literally grass. #Ola grass knows https://t.co/zr1vpGBrT4 — ™ ️ (@cosmonaut_tm) September 5, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js [Image] Roughly Vegeta, strangely familiar with plants [Image] Roughly Vegeta, strangely familiar with plants [Image] Roughly Vegeta, strangely familiar with plants [Image] Roughly Vegeta, strangely familiar with plants document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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