[Sad news] Keikyu Line accident scene, too dangerous

[Sad news] Keikyu Line accident scene, too dangerous 1 : 2019/09/05 (Thu) 12: 04: 33.96 ID: IrMOmDRU0.net It seems that derailment and a fire have occurred due to a collision with a truck at Kanagawa Shinmachi Station Keikyu Owata https://t.co/MDR1QAVRNn — Yota (@ yooouta0120) September 5, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Around 11:40 am on the 5th, an 8-car train collided with a truck at the railroad crossing between Kanagawa Shinmachi and Nakakido in Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama and derailed. According to Kanagawa Prefectural Police Kanagawa Station, 31 passengers were slightly injured, and a man who appears to be a truck driver is seriously injured. The station and others are examining the detailed situation at the time. According to the station, the man (67) was driving a 12-ton heavy truck loaded with lemon 660 cases. According to the Keikyu Corporation, the train that crashed was a special train from Aoto to Misakiguchi. The vehicle from the top to the third car derailed. Smoke rose in the vicinity of the site, and it was reported that there was a fire 119. The site was “Kanagawa Shinmachi No. 1 Railroad Crossing” near Kanagawa Shinmachi Station, where a circuit breaker and alarm were installed. Evacuation guidance for passengers has been completed, and the company has confirmed the number of passengers. As a result of the accident, the operation is suspended on the upper and lower lines between Keikyu Kawasaki and Kamiooka on the same line. https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2019090500629 document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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