[Sad news] Esper Ito (58) is too miserable

[Sad news] Esper Ito (58) is too miserable 1 : 2019/09/04 (Wed) 11: 42: 52.38 ID: pZqATOo40 ● .net It was found on the 4th that comedian Esper Ito (58) was living in hospital because of a severe cerebral infarction. This day's TV Asahi series “Good! Morning” (Monday to Friday, 4:55 BC) is a direct interview with a friend, Vito Takeshi (56), who is now a financial supporter of Ito. Ito has been suspending activities since the end of last year because the performance became difficult due to right hip osteoarthritis. However, cerebral infarction developed during the treatment of arthropathy. The symptoms are also severe, and he is living in hospital. [Sad news] Esper Ito (58) is too miserable * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20190904-00000030-sph-ent document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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