[Korea] Japanese woman refuses boarding.

[Korea] Japanese woman refuses boarding. On September 2, 2019, according to the Korea National Daily, a video showing that a Japanese-Korea couple in Utuba is refused boarding a passenger ship because it is "Japanese" is controversial. According to the article, a video of a Korean man and a Japanese woman of Utuba who recently traveled to South Korea showed that two people were going to buy a ship ticket to Ulleungdo, “It is forbidden for Japanese people to board the board due to safety issues.” The man said, “I had booked a hotel and a rental car.” “When I studied in Japan for about five years, I received direct and indirect discrimination. “It was really hard to see the future wife being discriminated in this way,” he said. The person in charge of the company operating the passenger ship said, “From July onwards, Japan-Korea relations deteriorated sharply. Explained. In addition, in response to the assertion that “the hotel and the rental car that were reserved due to boarding refusal were not available”, “they are not responsible for this because they were new reservations instead of advance reservations” That's it. This video has now been deleted. d * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://www.recordchina.co.jp/b741821-s0-c30-d0058.html document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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