Enemy “Akan! If a disaster occurs in the daytime on weekdays, there is only a 70-year-old man!” → “Seya!

1 : TSUYUPI 2019/09/01 (Sunday) 12:59:36 ID: tsuyup Enemy “Akan! If a disaster occurs in the daytime on weekdays, there is only a 70-year-old man!” → “Seya! “If there is a disaster during the daytime on weekdays, there is only a 70-year-old man, no more than high school students are in the city, so let's tell junior high school students how to hold a tanker and check the elderly home” Or is it crazy to put children at risk for adults who are not supposed to protect them to save the elderly? It was a disaster drill that I thought. — Tsuyupi (@tsuyup) September 1, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Related article document.write(” + ”);

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