[Puzzle] Which of the following articles about the Tokyo Olympics is a fictional newspaper article?

[Puzzle] Which of the following articles about the Tokyo Olympics is a fictional newspaper article? 1 : 2019/08/28 (Wed) 13: 15: 42.99 ID: b6MzABuT0.net 1 middle 【Tokyo Olympics emblem, changed to a plagiarism accusation. The selection method is also an issue] 2 right [From engineers to lawyers. Olympic Committee, professionals volunteer to procure human resources] 3Left JOC Chairman Takeda charged with bribery of 250 million yen] 4 1 [Swimming at the Olympic test competition is canceled. Large amount of E. coli detected at the venue] 5 3 [Where is the philosophy of the Compact Olympics? Olympic budget exceeds 3 trillion yen, more than 4 times the original] 6 2 [Prime Minister Abe waited just before the start of the new National Stadium. Discard Zaha's proposal and revisit it] 7 Yu [Forgot the space for the torch stand … New national stadium, revisited] 8 catch [Measures against the extreme heat of the Olympics, the trump card is morning glory. Visually cool the competition venue] 9 Throw [Governor Koike, developed a parasol. Confident in the Olympics that even men are not ashamed] Successor [Submission of self-taking video of the audience is also prohibited. Tokyo Olympics strengthens broadcast rights through unusual SNS regulations] [Mr. Mori is enraged. Newspaper publishers reporting Olympic scandals are also expelled from sponsors] Related article document.write(” + ”);

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