[Sad news] Oriental Radio Akihiko Nakata explains the Japan-Korea relationship on youtube, but mistakenly

[Sad news] Oriental Radio Akihiko Nakata explains the Japan-Korea relationship on youtube, but mistakenly 1 : 2019/08/29 (Thu) 14: 21: 07.413 ID: VuInGeSI0NIKU.net [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFBxDIcXDDg&w=640&h=360] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFBxDIcXDDg ❌Korea started shooting missiles → ⭕North Korea started shooting missiles ❌300 million and 200 million yen in Korea → ⭕300 million and 200 million dollars in Korea Huh? Related article document.write(” + ”);

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