[Sad news] 8-year-old child stole his parent’s car and blasted on the highway at 140km / h

[Sad news] 8-year-old child stole his parent's car and blasted on the highway at 140km / h An 8-year-old boy stole his mother's car near the Soest in northwestern Germany, and there was a commotion about driving at 140 km / h on a midnight highway. The mother reported that the son had taken the car to the police at 0:25 am. The car was a Volkswagen Golf automatic car. As a result of the police and mother searching, the mother soon found her son and car in the service area. The boy parked his car, turned on the hazard lamps, and installed a triangle sign. According to the police, he told him that he wanted to drive a bit, and he said he stopped driving because he couldn't feel good on the highway. The boys loved cars, and often went to go-carts and amusement park bumper cars and drove cars on private land. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20190823-35141653-cnn-int Related article document.write(” + ”);

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