Asahi Shimbun “ Korea, GSOMIA destroyed, China, Russia, North Korea welcomed laughter ”

Asahi Shimbun `` Korea, GSOMIA destroyed, China, Russia, North Korea welcomed laughter '' The destruction of the Japan-Korea GSOMIA (Military Information Comprehensive Protection Agreement) means that the relationship of trust, which is a major premise of security cooperation, has been destroyed. This is a serious situation that not only further accelerates the deterioration of Japan-Korea relations but can also change the security environment in Asia. As North Korea, China, Russia, and others are activating military activities, the agreement, as its name suggests, is a framework that combines the proprietary information it has acquired with each other and counters threats together. The United States also urged the extension of the agreement because it was indispensable for strengthening cooperation between Japan, the United States, and South Korea, but the collapse of the agreement means that the three countries have become difficult to keep pace with the “threat”. The problem doesn't stop there. It is likely that China, Russia and North Korea are laughing and laughing, welcoming Japan, the US and South Korea. I'm sure I'm going to go on a more offensive when I want to take advantage of this machine and put a wedge into the Japan-US-Korea relationship. Did you look at the worsening of Japan-Korea relations … Remaining: 283 characters / Full text: 642 characters * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source Related article document.write(” + ”);

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