[Sad news] Minor cosplayers hit among adult cosplayers

[Sad news] Minor cosplayers hit among adult cosplayers 1 : 2019/08/22 (Thu) 09: 32: 04.35 ID: 3UsMhFRwp.net | ⎠┰⍔┰⎝ | Kyon Next 23 Off Meeting 24�31a! �� @ 14kyon37 From adult layer to minor layer Cosplay is a costly hobby Adult layer is always making money while powdering at work. Please don't tell me to borrow Do it from earning yourself. August 18, 01:05 Chamu 8/25 Garden Demon B20 @ Cxxmerow I've seen things like "Let's rent out costumes because I'm underage" or "I'd like a little more for adults in the studio", but in the first place I enjoy hobbies as much as I can with my money regardless of adults I think it is a thing. “ I want to do it together '' is crazy because everything is allowed, not just cosplay August 18, 13:16 Mitsuru @ Reply in the manuscript / Inte Building A, Ho 69ab @ iiyama_mituru Talking about the Comiket All-night Group without funds to stay. The story of the topic minors is the same now. "I can't do anything I can't do with my money" Can't you buy 100yen sweets for only 10yen? I wonder if there are many people who don't understand this. No sleeves can swing. August 18, 17:42 Related article document.write(” + ”);

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