[LOL] South Korea goes crazy “San Francisco Peace Treaty not accepted”

[LOL] South Korea goes crazy 1 : 2019/08/16 (Friday) 21: 52 : 53.65 ID: 0p5ibITD0.net Korea is not involved in the peace treaty Some Japanese media cited the provisions that many Parties abandoned the right to claim compensation for Japan under the San Francisco Peace Treaty, The Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs argued that “there is no relation with South Korea” about the interpretation that there is no Korean claim for compulsory collection. Foreign officials told reporters on the 12th, “Korea was not able to participate in the San Francisco Peace Treaty at that time as a victorious country. There is no relation between South Korea and the provisions that the parties to this treaty abandoned their claims. " http://world.kbs.co.kr/service/news_view.htm?lang=j&Seq_Code=73010 The treaty stipulates the independence of Korea occupied by Japan and the return of Korean territory such as Jeju Island that Japan occupied. In other words, if Korea does not accept the San Francisco Convention, South Korea is not recognized as a nation. Related article document.write(” + ”);

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