Osamu Aoki “If you are doing something like this, you can do it because South Korea is saying it,”

1 : Peach Taro 2nd 2019/08/13 (Tue) 20:56:32 ID: PeachT_japan2 Osamu Aoki “If you are doing something like this, you can do it because South Korea is saying it,” Aoki Osamu “This time Japan was set up, but what is the aim? Many people say that the measure is appropriate in public opinion surveys. It seems that they are doing this as much as they can feel refreshed or Korea can do it. Then you ’re really stupid? This is a comment on “Korean excluding Japan as a white country” https://t.co/uNLP9xOuj3 — Peach Taro 2nd (@ PeachT_japan2) August 13, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Related article document.write(” + ”);

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