[Good news] Matsuko Deluxe was no use.

[Good news] Matsuko Deluxe was no use. Matsuco's office on the 13th, responded to Sankei Sports's interview, “The remark is not a denial of that party, why is it such a fuss? After the protest on the 12th, Tachibana said, “Inside information,“ Matsuko panics, we're off the show ”is coming (from the MX side)”. The office side completely denies, “(No panic). I am not upset by such a thing. There was no movement to sue the N-party, and Matsuko is confused as “I don't want to inconvenience both the police, the guards, and the MX”. In addition, the MX side replied that the correspondence is currently under consideration for coverage of Sankei Sports. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20190814-00000026-sanspo-ent Related article document.write(” + ”);

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