[Sad news] Otaku, live

[Sad news] Otaku, live 1 : 2019/08/12 (Monday) 15: 03: 03.77 ID: 2EPMW28 / 0.net Husky ?? @ huskydog111 This year's Comiket, “Elite staff who have been trained and stepped on” It ’s still this situation, inducing the “otaku who are used to line up and are taking measures against the heat”? Then, at the time of the Tokyo Olympics, “ Non-experienced amateur staff '' × “ General people who have not been in line for a long time '' × What will happen if it becomes “ hot '' 9:12 AM ・ August 12, 2019 This year's Comiket, “Elite staff who have been trained and stepped on” It ’s still this situation, inducing the “otaku who are used to line up and are taking measures against the heat”? Then, at the time of the Tokyo Olympics, “Amateur staff with no experience” x “People who have not been in line for a long time” x “Hot heat”, you can see the result — Husky Pass (@ huskydog111) August 12, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Related article document.write(” + ”);

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