[Sad news] The Japanese government conducts the Tokyo Olympics test tournament → High school student “It is impossible for the Olympics in this heat.

[Sad news] The Japanese government conducts the Tokyo Olympics test tournament → High school student “It is impossible for the Olympics in this heat. Umi no Mori Water Stadium is set up in a reclaimed land in Tokyo, and there are no trees or buildings that block the sun, and the roof that covers the spectator seats has been cut in half as part of reducing venue maintenance costs. . The organizer distributed coolant to the audience and watered the ground to prevent reflection from the asphalt. A tent with a mist shower was installed in the waiting area for the bus connecting the venue to the nearest station. However, there were many complaints and orders from the audience. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, the highest temperature in Tokyo during the period rose to around 35 degrees, and many spectators watched the game in direct sunlight. A high school boy in a boat club in Saitama Prefecture (17) said, “I'm used to the heat in club activities, but I still can't stand it. A woman from Germany complained uneasyly that "the place without a roof is very hot." Boat races are very popular in Europe, and many spectators from overseas are expected to visit the venue in the Tokyo Games, and some people are worried that “foreigners are OK with this heat”. There was also a scene in which a spectator who actually felt sick felt in a wheelchair and carried it to the medical office. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20190809-00000607-san-spo Related article document.write(” + ”);

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