[NHK feelings] This is what NHK wanted to say this wwwwwww

[NHK feelings] This is what NHK wanted to say this wwwwwww 458 : 2019/08/09 (Friday) 21: 09: 43.56 ID: ZKmC / xa6r.net NHK feelings summary ・ Inquiries have recently increased due to receiving charges. ← Why is it increasing? ・ Contracting with NHK is stipulated in the Broadcasting Law ← There is no problem with this. ・ You are obliged to pay the reception fee ← Here, the screen is switched to the reception rules created by NHK instead of the broadcasting law. Vicious trying to intentionally confuse legal obligations with NHK rules. ・ NHK will contribute to deepening the public's insight by distributing a variety of information because it is biased to select only the information you want to know (by streaming the video of a young man who is playing with smartphones) ← Extra care Related article document.write(” + ”);

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