[訃] Voice actor Shima Yuu (70) passed away and was in charge of Disney’s Goofy’s voice etc.

1 : TOONDAYS [KAZUKI] 2019/08/05 (Mon) 11:22:28 ID: toondaysjp [訃] Voice actor Shima Yuu (70) passed away and was in charge of Disney's Goofy's voice etc. Mr. Kayu Shima, who was in charge of Goofy's voice in Japan, passed away. Thank you so much for playing in a wonderful voice. As a fan, I am very sad … I wish you good luck. https://t.co/H5umHlXega https://t.co/U63fYxLXRf — TOONDAYS 【KAZUKI】 (@toondaysjp) August 05, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js [訃] Voice actor Shima Yuu (70) passed away and was in charge of Disney's Goofy's voice etc. [訃] Voice actor Shima Yuu (70) passed away and was in charge of Disney's Goofy's voice etc. [訃] Voice actor Shima Yuu (70) passed away and was in charge of Disney's Goofy's voice etc. [訃] Voice actor Shima Yuu (70) passed away and was in charge of Disney's Goofy's voice etc. Related article document.write(” + ”);

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