[Transcending disappointing news] Mr. Korea, Won banknotes was the target product for buzz … wywywywywywywywywywywywy

1 : 2019/08/04 (Sun) 11: 32: 15.77 ID: L2FTJLUy0.net Dokdo (Tokuto, Japanese name: Takeshima) belongs to the Korean territory on the 10,000 won and 5,000 won bills distributed in the city. It is drawn on the map of the silver hologram attached on the center left side to prevent forgery. A hologram for preventing faked paper money is drawn with a map of the Korean peninsula including Dokdo together with a pattern of a taiji pole, a face number, a bachelor of a taiga flag (Tegukki, the Korean flag). Depending on the viewing angle, three types of pictures emerge. In 2005, one of the members of the Money Design Advisory Board proposed a map of the Korean peninsula and a pattern of Taiji as a hologram pattern. Other committee members agreed on the condition to put Dokdo on the map. The map of the Korean peninsula clearly shows Jeju Island (Chejudo), Ulleungdo Island (Ullund), and Dokdo Island. An official at the Bank of Korea said, "The map is very small and only representative islands are highlighted." During the production process, Dokdo overlapped with the Taegang of the polar flag and could not see clearly, and it took two months to correct this. In fact, the hologram on which this Dokdo is drawn is made in Japan. According to the Bank of Korea and the Mint Corporation, the Japanese printing company became a hologram supplier through international bidding in 2005. The Mint side said, "There are two companies in the world that are making holograms that can be used for 5,000 won and 10,000 won bills in Korea." Is said. ※ Excerpt from the link below. The continuation is source https://s.japanese.joins.com/article/j_article.php?aid=103155 [Transcending disappointing news] Mr. Korea, Won banknotes was the target product for buzz ... wywywywywywywywywywywywy Related article document.write(” + ”);

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