[Sad news] Softbank, profit 1 trillion yen “corporation tax zero yen” Annual dividend 10 billion yen of Mr. Masayoshi Son

[Sad news] Softbank, profit 1 trillion yen The Softbank Group did not pay corporate tax in Japan. It is about the end of March 2018, but it is something that I understood recently. Tax evasion? I think, but this is legal. It is said that a large company with net income of more than 1 trillion yen is in deficit in tax filing. "We also mentioned the taxpayer's OB, but it is a deficit in tax accounting, but it is the highest ever in financial accounting, and the executive's remuneration is quite high. Mr. Grandson's compensation is ¥ 229 million, and although he is not the chairman of a company of that size, he holds approximately 200 million yen in annual dividends because he holds more than 200 million shares of Softbank shares. . Income tax is the highest tax rate 45%, but it will be 20% in capital gain tax if it is given by dividend. ※ Excerpt from the link below. The continuation is source https://biz-journal.jp/2019/08/post_112573.html Related article document.write(” + ”);

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