[Sad news] Mamma’s corpse, used for blasting experiments

[Sad news] Mamma's corpse, used for blasting experiments 1 : 2019/08/01 (Thu) 17: 31: 19.37 ID: WPV7j7r20.net https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2019/08/post-12663.php The Arizona State Dedication Center, which was making a profit by cutting off the human body, was caught. When the FBI entered into the investigation, a Frankenstein-like body in which a woman's head was sewed on a man's body was also found. Jim Staufer's mother Doris died at the age of 74. Jim who dedicated his mother's body. However, the mother was sold to the army and used for bomb damage testing. Jim talks. "The mother's body was fixed in a chair-like place, and I detonated a bomb under the body. I want to know what happens to the human body when the vehicle is attacked by an instant detonation device mounted on the road. That's why. " Related article document.write(” + ”);

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