Teacher “I played the game for 1 hour and 50 minutes in the morning”

1 : or less,? VIP will be sent from Chanchan 2018/05/16 (Wednesday) 03: 51: 11.075 ID: OKTHA31Bd.net   http://s.imgur.com/min/embed.js 【TOKIO】 Shirojima Shigeru "Mating relationship between men continues for a lifetime regardless of work" 【Impact】 Result of rushing on day 4 of wai insufficient wwwwwww Midnight wai "Set alarm and sleep" alarm "I set it after 2 hours 46 minutes" 【Sad news】 Severe reality of Soshage: new explosion is fundamental, survival rate is 12% after 5 years even if it succeeds 30's ♀ "When I was drinking non-alcoholic beer during a break time my boss got scolded for over an hour and I was absent from the company the next day."
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