[Good news] Principal sexual harassment accused of slaughtering female students

[Good news] Principal sexual harassment accused of slaughtering female students 1 : 2019/10/24 (Thu) 23: 25: 01.48 ID: 7J0KPQOt9.net A Bangladeshi court sentenced all 16 people who had been charged with murder to death on April 24 in a case where a female student was keroseneed and burned after reporting a sexual act by the principal in April this year. . On March 27, Mr. Nusrat reported to the police that she was improperly touched by Sirage Udura, but was called on the school's rooftop 11 days later. When we got to the roof, four or five people with Burka covering their faces surrounded Mr. Nusrat and urged them to withdraw the appeal to the principal. When Mr. Nusrat refused, he set fire. The investigation revealed that classmates and many powers were conspiring to silence Nusrat. Principal Siraj Udura was found guilty of instructing the killing of Mr. Nusrat from inside the prison, and was convicted by two teachers and two local politicians belonging to the ruling party and the Awami League. It was also found that a number of local police officers were cooperating to spread the false information that Mr. Nusrat attempted suicide. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://www.bbc.com/japanese/50165136 https://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3251175 document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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