[Reading notice] N ‘National Flower and Matsudo Citizen’s Lesba videos are up and on the topic

[Reading notice] N 'National Flower and Matsudo Citizen's Lesba videos are up and on the topic 1 : 2019/08/04 (Sun) 12: 17: 21. 01 ID: Lk + r 9/1 h 0. net https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1004334870737272833/pu/vid/720×1280/TwV0LeaBTX4gqd6.mp4 Citizen "Matsudo citizen as pledge …" Tachibana "Matsudo citizens do not matter. By law. Because election interference does not matter Matsudo citizens." Citizens "is not an election obstruction? Are you coming to hear promises?" Tachibana "So even if you come to ask for your promise, I'm telling you I'm back because I have no obligation to answer. You're obviously coming to get in the way. " Citizen "No, I am not here to get in the way" Tachibana "Because I judge so, your intimacy does not matter" Citizen "(do you say something that would interfere with the election)?" Tachibana "I don't say it. It doesn't matter." Citizen "It is related" Tachibana "How much do you know the law? How much your legal knowledge?" Citizen "What do you know how much? Tachibana Takashisan!" Tachibana "Let's get arrested?" Citizen "Eh? Arrest does not give you the right to arrest" Tachibana "Are you? Arrest me? Arrested?" Citizen "Please do not touch" Tachibana "Because I've arrested you, I'm getting a private one." Handed over to the police after this Related article document.write(” + ”);

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