【Video】 A citizen who emits a laser beam to police in a Hong Kong demonstration.

1 : Seki Yashisa ⛅ 2019/07/31 (Wed) 23:31:32 ID: Campaign_Otaku 【Video】 A citizen who emits a laser beam to police in a Hong Kong demonstration. Citizens emitting laser light to police in Hong Kong demonstrations. It prevents the Chinese government from using the face recognition system. If you allow this, you will be identified individually and arrested individually, and you will not know what a tough future is waiting for. Hi-tech demos. https://t.co/yR2sAVhlAE — Seki Yashisa Sakai (@Campaign_Otaku) July 31, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Related article document.write(” + ”);

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