[Sad news] Doraemons is buried in the darkness by a renewal of voice actors, despite a fairly solid setting.

1 : Ryo Hayakawa 2019/10/27 (Sunday) 20:26:41 ID: Hayakawa_Ryo09 [Sad news] Doraemons is buried in the darkness by a renewal of voice actors, despite a fairly solid setting. Doraemons was buried in the darkness by a renewal of a voice actor, despite the fact that there is a fairly solid setting. I feel that the generation I'm familiar with is quite limited, but I sometimes get a voice that I miss. I liked King Dora. https://t.co/exDFT3O1iv — Ryo Hayakawa (@ Hayakawa_Ryo09) October 27, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js [Sad news] Doraemons is buried in the darkness by a renewal of voice actors, despite a fairly solid setting. document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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