Yukio Hatoyama “It’s not true that the Yatsuba Dam defended the Tonegawa.

Yukio Hatoyama “It's not true that the Yatsuba Dam defended the Tonegawa. 1 : 2019/10/18 (Fri) 08:35:52 ID: umnC7mLG9.net Yukio Hatoyama @ hatoyamayukio The dam proponents seem to stress that they protected the Tone River thanks to the Yatsuba Dam. But that is not the case. If there was no Yatsuba dam, the water level rose only 17cm, and flooding is unthinkable. Rather, because the Yatsuba Dam was a pilot reservoir, the reservoir volume was lower than the minimum water level. If it was in full operation, there could have been an emergency release. The dam proponents seem to stress that they protected the Tone River thanks to the Yatsuba Dam. But that is not the case. If there was no Yatsuba dam, the water level rose only 17 km, and flooding is unthinkable. Rather, because the Yatsuba Dam was a pilot reservoir, the reservoir volume was lower than the minimum water level. If it was in full operation, there could have been an emergency release. — Yukio Hatoyama (@hatoyamayukio) October 18, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsdocument.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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