[Sad news] Poor parents and children, enter a restaurant and order only pasta for dinner

[Sad news] Poor parents and children, enter a restaurant and order only pasta for dinner 1 : 2019/10/18 (Friday) 16: 01: 37.80 ID: xVKbF3khM.net Parents and children (junior high school students) who didn't make reservations for dinner had vacant seats, so if you go to listen to the order you ordered, you only need to ask for the order of the appetizer and the main dish for the two pasta items. Will not accept, so if you fall below the minimum fee, continue to inform you that you will be charged a seat — Bacchus (@BacchusVinVino) October 16, 2019 http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js Bacchus @BacchusVinVino Parents and children (junior high school students) who didn't make reservations for dinner had vacant seats, so if you go to listen to the order you ordered, you only need to ask for the order of the appetizer and the main dish for the two pasta items. Is not accepted, so if it falls below the minimum fee, tell you that you will be charged for a seat. 3:38 PM October 16, 2019 Twitter for iPhone 2,568 retweets 2,292 likes Then there was a shortage to say what would happen, "Both of them are not very hungry …" What do you think of this line? Is it a restaurant? The restaurant is a place where hungry customers come to enjoy even a little delicious food and wine. The chef has trained and studied over a long period of time considering the people who eat, and the budget is limited. Searching for it in the morning and evening without having to take a rest Both of you are not very hungry? So what are you going to come to the restaurant? The restaurant is not a convenience store or family restaurant. There are things that can't be drunk but can't be drunk. However, many people do not understand how insulting this cheeky remark is “insulting” for the chef and the staff operating the restaurant. I understand that there is a budget and economic situation. But just like the services and delicious food you want, the shops also have the minimum budget and morals you want. If you have a small budget, there are many tools to check on the phone or online beforehand. Checking your budget is never embarrassing document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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