Shinjiro Koizumi “It seems that there is a cosplay event here today (in Toshimaen’s Kosuibe).”

1 : Niagara @ Quatsushiqua 2019/09/18 (Wed) 19:36:42 ID: siroyagi Shinjiro Koizumi “It seems that there is a cosplay event here today (in Toshimaen's Kosuibe).” About a year ago, Shinjiro Koizumi was in front of the station when he was Toshimaen's Kosuibe. "It seems there is a cosplay event here. Everyone, the Democratic Party is like cosplay !!" Ever since I was bitten by an unknown dis, I have been wondering about how my head works. Was not wrong — Niagara @Quatsushiqua (@siroyagi) September 18, 2019” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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