[Breaking News] Tokyo Olympic Marathon, set up ice bath at goal as heat stroke measures

[Breaking News] Tokyo Olympic Marathon, set up ice bath at goal as heat stroke measures 1 : 2019/09/07 (Sat) 07: 55: 49.87 ID: LdPqbb46M.net At the Marathon Grand Championship (MGC) held in Tokyo on the 15th of this month in conjunction with the Tokyo Olympics test tournament, install a crash ice at the water station and an ice bath at the goal. Became clear. According to the Japan Athletics Federation, it is expected to be implemented in the Olympics, and the effect will be noted as a trump card for measures against extreme heat. Cooling the palms, neck, and underarms is effective for marathon athletes. In MGC, in addition to the usual 5km water station, 5 more water stations were added later in the race. In both cases, crush ice is provided in a plastic bag so that athletes can cool down while running. The Japan Land Federation explains, “It can be expected to be highly effective without cost and effort.” An ice bath after the goal was set up to quickly treat athletes with heat stroke symptoms. Doctors and nurses accompany one person with ice water to check the deep body temperature in the body. There is also an ice pool for 3 to 4 players that all players can use. “This heat countermeasure will become a legacy of the marathon, and we want to prepare better things for the Olympics,” says Fukuhiro Yamazawa, chairman of the Japan Rural Federation. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/sports/etc/20190907-OYT1T50084/ document.write(” + ”); Related article document.write(” + ”);

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