Hikaru Ota “N national flower, TV licking! TV doesn’t pretend not to see, so let’s meet on the ground!”

Hikaru Ota 1 : 2019/09/01 (Sun) 11: 13: 47.57 ID: 8wKJwc1na.net From Sanjapo https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1167974399573495813/pu/vid/1280×720/U-y_Ve0qShOAQZS5.mp4 Ota: I said I wanted to meet you. I would like to meet you on TV if you want to meet me. Don't lick a commercial TV! TV doesn't ignore you! I will go to Matsuko tomorrow anyway tomorrow, but I won't pretend not to see that! TV news stations are also autonomous! The newscasters will also comment, so let's meet on the terrestrial … Tanaka "Okay, quit," Related article document.write(” + ”);

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