[Sad news] Father with daughter, reported kidnapper and surrounded by police officers

[Sad news] Father with daughter, reported kidnapper and surrounded by police officers On August 18, 2019, a musician / manga artist, Mikito Tsurugi, was riding the bullet train with his daughter. Posted in note. “I could n’t touch my hands, and I moved to the deck because I thought it was bad.” It was not uncommon for children around this time to provoke a habit, and it was common for Ms. Kaji, but there were passengers who were angry with the violent reaction of their daughters that they were “noisy, go to the deck”. And when I was worried about my daughter on the deck, the police officer who boarded at Ueno Station was asked to hear the details of Tokyo Station. “I was told that there was a possibility of kidnapping or a serious case, I showed my ID card or insurance card, and contacted my wife (Kumiko Inuyama, columnist) and revealed my identity,” says Mr. Tsuji. The policeman's attitude was serious and he seemed to be seriously considering whether or not there was a case, such as talking wirelessly with "I don't have a mother." The suspicion was clear, but the train was delayed because it stopped at Ueno Station for about 5 minutes. Tsuji guessed that the irresponsible daughter was uttering the phrase “Dad is different!” And that it was the cause of doubt. * Some excerpts from the link below. Continue with the source https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20190820-00000004-jct-soci Related article document.write(” + ”);

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