[Good news] Takanori Maruyama, today too Kirekire

[Good news] Takanori Maruyama, today too Kirekire 1 : 2019/08/12 (Monday) 08: 50: 37.08 ID: gb22GB8t0.net Tomohiro Akagi Akagi-san T_akagi Dr. Hotaka Maruyama who skipped the Diet. Come to Comike, which is more severe than the Diet. Did a woman come to buy? Hotaka Maruyama maruyamahodaka I don't overwhelm, but the doctor isn't good, so there's no help for it, but it still came out, lol? So, do you deliberately do political activities, and today's travel expenses for Comiket will also be paid by political funds or correspondence expenses? Whether the current law of political funds would raise a problem. Even so, she is recruiting. Thank you for your reply. Related article document.write(” + ”);

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